
石川 亮太(作曲&編曲)
Ryota ISHIKAWA, composer and arranger

Ryota ISHIKAWA portrait

サクソフォニスト須川展也氏からの委嘱作「日本民謡による狂詩曲」が数多くの奏者により演奏されている他、 ズーラシアンブラス、サキソフォックスとその仲間たち、侍BRASSへの提供作品多数。代表作に「トランペットラブレター」「幻想曲『かごめ』」など。

Born in 1983 in Yokohama (Japan), Ryota ISHIKAWA studied at Tokyo College of Music and graduated in 2005.
He is an amateur saxophone player from his youth. From this experience, has created a lot of works for wind instruments. “Rhapsody on Japanese folk songs" (commissioned by Nobuya SUGAWA) is his best-known piece of this category.
All of his works have both the two aspects, artistic side and entertainment side. He is challenging to combine these elements and bring the joy of art to any audience.
He had supplied numerous scores for Zoorasian Brass & their fellows, highly entertainment animal-musicians! for a long time.
There are hundreds of composing and arrangement, from solo to orchestra.